Revolutionary sorting of PP and PE polymers with PE-PP polymer sorter Have you thought about the use, of polythene throughout the world, especially in India? Yes, it has been a long time since we were able to live in a polythene-free environment and eco-friendly green atmosphere. It is currently possible to sort and separate polyethylene …

PET Flakes polymer sorter

High-volume with multi-functional PET Flakes polymer sorter Complete your Plastic recycling tasks with our featured PET flakes polymer sorter and get rid of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic materials that come with automatic working or require manual labor, depending on the size and complexity of the task. We also offer precision sorting capabilities and are operated …

Sreecycle PET Bottle Sorter Streamlining Recycling

PET Bottle Sorter

PET Bottle Sorter – Streamlining Plastic PET Bottle Recycling for Plastic Waste Management  PET bottle sorter is a game-changer in the world of plastic waste management and recycling. The KL series is a leading technology in plastic bottle sorting, and it incorporates multi-spectral identification technology that enables the accurate removal of multicolored bottles such as …


How Sreecycle Encourages Plastic Recycling to Support a Sustainable Future

  Recycling plastic is a crucial step that can lessen the environmental impact of plastic waste. Recycling plastic can assist in keeping it out of landfills and the oceans and aid in resource conservation by lowering the demand for new plastic manufacture. In this article, we’ll go over the advantages of recycling plastic and show …